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Coldplay or the Corporates

Who’s Better At Sustainability?

What is a Greenhouse Gas? Procurri operates as an entirely Carbon Neutral Organization, accredited by the Carbon Footprint Standard. This means that we operate to a net zero emissions level; never producing more CO2 than what we remove from the environment

By 2030, it’s expected that the IT industry will be responsible for 2% of the world’s total carbon emissions. At Procurri we are passionate about sustainability and operating as a green organization.  This is why we worked so hard to

Procurri is now a certified Carbon Neutral Organization, accredited by the Carbon Footprint Standard. Indeed to be carbon neutral, carbon positive, or carbon friendly is an increasingly popular credential for businesses, but what exactly does it mean and how is

When considering the carbon emissions of the ICT industry, there appears to be a common misconception that because so much is ‘virtual’, it must be sustainable. In fact, almost the opposite is true – with IT expected to be the

Carbon neutrality, carbon positivity, carbon offset, and sustainability are all words and phrases that weren’t in the public consciousness until the last few years. It’s no secret that at Procurri we focus heavily on sustainability and offer our customers ways

A Race Against Time… Part 4- Reflections and a word from the Climate Scientist A party of men go forth to face hardships, danger, and difficulties with their own unaided efforts and by days and weeks of hard physical labor succeed