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How We Can Help Your Business Meet Its Sustainability Goals

How Procurri Can Help Your Business Meet Its Sustainability Goals

Procurri puts sustainability at the heart of all processes and operations  – but appreciate that it’s not always so easy to do if you’re a small business struggling with profit margins and ambitious targets. However, by integrating environmental and ethical best practice’s into our products and services, we’re able to help our customers meet their sustainability goals; no matter how challenging they may seem.

But how can Procurri services tune in to your brand’s objectives? Let’s explore…

‘Sweating’ Assets for Maximum Value

Procurri doesn’t believe that standard EOSL dates should be the point at which businesses feel they should dispose of their datacentre hardware – as in many cases, it can be used for much longer with the support of Third-Party Maintenance and the value derived from it maximized. Procurri’s approach to sweating assets for as long as possible help to:

  • Negate unnecessary procurement of hardware and excessive consumption (financial targets, environmental sustainability goals)
  • Allow budget savings to be accumulated (financial targets)

ITAD – Reusing, Reselling, Recycling

Procurri operates its ITAD & Lifecycle Services through secure facilities and always aims to reuse, resell, or resell data center and workplace equipment rather than take a standard approach to disposal. This includes:

  • Recycling of suitable materials (environmental sustainability goals)
  • Compliant data sanitization processes (data protection and security standards)
  • Ability to resell equipment into local markets within each region (financial targets)
  • Zero landfill standard (environmental sustainability goals)

WFH (Asset Reclaim) Box Program

More businesses than ever started remote working operations for their employees over the last few years, however, monitoring and management of the IT assets they use can prove difficult; particularly where there’s a large geographic spread and visiting each site physically isn’t an option. The Procurri WFH Box Program allows for employees simply to seal and send their equipment back, with full tracking for later deployment elsewhere in the business. This allows:

  • No unnecessary procurement of new equipment (financial targets)
  • Complete monitoring of assets (data protection and security standards)

On-site Specialist Support

Many ITAD & Lifecycle Services companies simply visit a business site, pick up the hardware that’s no longer required and leave – supplying a certificate to confirm its disposition a month or so later. Procurri doesn’t take this approach; instead, we leverage our vast network of highly skilled technical resources to help with onsite projects as much as required. We can provide specialist decommissioning, data center removals, lift and shift,  and office clean-outs as well as support in installing new hardware. This can help with:

  • Improved uptime and less chance of future malfunction (performance goals)
  • Bespoke project management (performance goals, efficiency goals).

Want Procurri to start helping you meet your business goals? It’s time to get in touch!