Which Oracle Support Products Are Soon To Hit Their EOSL?
The second-largest software company in the world by revenue and market capitalization, Oracle is a long-reputed database software tech company, offering some of the highest quality cloud-engineered systems and enterprise software products available on the market. To add to their tech credentials, Oracle purchased Sun Microsystems back in 2010, obtaining their range of server solutions and taking their support for them under their wing.
What is the “EOSL” point?
EOSL is the abbreviation used for End of Service Life – usually, a date dictated by the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) at which they end their standard support services and/or warranty. This point is usually where businesses choose to replace their server equipment to ensure they continue to receive maintenance and support. However, this is often premature removal of hardware – as providing the equipment is all still functioning, support can be provided by a third party to maintain BAU.
Do Sun Microsystems products still exist?
Oracle bought Sun Microsystems back in 2010, but their data center products still exist and are still being used by many businesses. While new hardware is no longer being manufactured under the Sun Microsystems name, their products remain in circulation and in many cases, are still functional. Businesses who have Sun Microsystems datacentre hardware can still access third party maintenance services from Procurri but will no longer be able to utilize their warranty and/or service support directly from Oracle themselves.
Which hardware will see its OEM Oracle support withdrawn in 2022?
Oracle has not produced many data center parts for a while and so most have already hit their EOSL point; most recently, the SPARC T4-130 in March 2021. The SPARC T5-231 is the next piece of datacentre hardware to hit its EOSL point and will be officially out of Oracle support at the end of May 2022 – but third-party maintenance support can still be utilized past this date.
My business uses loads of SUN-Oracle equipment that’s about to hit its EOSL point. What can we do?
Procurri manages third-party maintenance support services for Sun-Oracle products of all ages and has teams of specialized engineers on-hand to service them both remotely and on-site as and when required. A third-party maintenance service contract with Procurri extends the lifespan of the assets, sweating them and maximizing their accrued value. Service for the end-users will remain unaffected and uptime will be at an all-time high as standards are kept as they were even when the equipment was new. When eventually the equipment does reach the end of its serviceable life and is no longer able to maintain performance, a variety of ITAD options will be offered to best dispose of and replace the hardware. Even where Sun-Oracle systems already passed their designated OEM EOSL date, Procurri will still take them on – just get in touch to discuss your requirements.