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Dell EMC End of Service Life (EOSL)

Which Dell EMC Support Products Are Soon To Hit Their EOSL?

Since its acquisition of EMC in 2016, Dell EMC has risen to be one of the world’s biggest and most successful manufacturers of datacentre storage products. At the time, the business noted its “focus on developing and selling data storage and data management hardware and software, convincing customers to buy Dell EMC products independent of their other IT buying decisions”. Indeed, this goal has certainly been realized; with Dell EMC continuing to produce some of the world’s highest quality data center products, making a variety of high-value company acquisitions, and sponsoring crowd-sourced data projects worldwide.

What is the “EOSL” point?

This continued business spotlight on data center product manufacture has seen the brand supply a wide variety of hardware in a whole host of product ranges. As newer models are introduced, Dell EMC set EOSL (End of Service Life) dates for older equipment – at which point they cease their support offering an upsell to newer models.

Which hardware will see its OEM Dell EMC support withdrawn in 2022?

The rapid process and manufacture have seen many pieces of hardware reach their EOSL date over the last couple of years, with more set to happen soon. In 2022, Dell EMC support will be withdrawn by the OEM for much of the Connectrix, Data Domain, and VNX ranges, one item from the Symmetrix range, and the entire VxRail collection.

For Connectrix hardware, Dell EMC support will be removed for the Cisco MDS-4G-SR, MDS-9506 V2, MDS-9513 (Chassis, FAB3, and FAB3 module), MDS-PBF-ADV32, MDS-PBF-ADV48, MDS-SSN-16, and MSD-SUP-V2U. For Data Domain hardware, Dell EMC support will be removed for the DD2500, DD4200, DD4500, DD7200, and DD9500. A single piece of Symmetrix equipment will reach EOSL: the VMAX 10K. In the VNX range, Dell EMC support is being withdrawn for the V10, VG2, VG50, and VG8. Finally, the entire VxRail collection will reach its EOSL point in 2022: the 120/F, 160/F, 200/F, 240F, 280F, and 60.

What can be done if a business is currently utilizing this equipment?

The EOSL stage, set by the OEM, need not necessarily warrant immediate equipment purchase and replacement. Instead, maintenance services can be offered by companies other than the manufacturer – and in the case of this hardware, Procurri provides ongoing Dell EMC support for all these ranges.

Third party maintenance extends the lifecycle of equipment for which the official OEM Dell EMC support has been withdrawn and ensures that the business can maximize the value derived from it whilst being more sustainable. Procurri’s service levels are as high as the OEMs and even work with remote monitoring to allow for intelligent automated issue identification – highlighting areas of concern before any user disruption is experienced (and usually resolving the problem before it ever is).

If your hardware is still functional and your business is seeking onward Dell EMC support past the EOSL date set by the OEM, contact the Procurri team for more information and service packages. We’ll work bespoke to your requirements, maximizing uptime, extending lifespans, and always maintaining peak performance.