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A plain blue background with the partial dark outline of a bubble in the bottom right corner.

At Procurri, we own it, deliver it, and control it - no third parties, no outsourcing

With thousands of businesses and channel partners trusting us, we help reduce TCO on data center hardware while maintaining the highest standards

Procurri is a Carbon Neutral Organisation

Our Solutions

Covering hardware, ITAD, distribution services and ecommerce solutions

Covering professional services, modern workplace, contract manufacturing and hyperscaler

Independent IT maintenance for enterprise servers, storage, and networking

A grey outline depicting a smiley face wearing a headset with microphone sits on a white background. 160+
Professionals for your data center needs
A grey outline of a globe sits on a white background. 100
Localized service in 100+ countries
A grey outline of a multi-storey building sits on a plain white backdrop. 800
Local warehouses across 3 continents
Four Procurri employees, three male and one female, all dressed in black tie face the camera holding a trophy and smiling.


Procurri wins more awards

We are thrilled to announce that Procurri has been awarded ITAD Partner of the Year and Storage Broker of the Year at The Storage Awards 2024

Procurri employee Leonard Chong stands facing the camera in a suit against a blue and white background.


Top Country Managers

Leonard Chong, Country Manager of Procurri Malaysia, has been honored as one of the Top 10 Country Managers in Malaysia for 2024.

Hands grasp an iPad with a Warehouse Management dashboard on the screen. Cardboard boxes in a warehouse appear behind.


Rental Solutions

Procurri can provide short or long-term rental solutions including Capex to Opex management, derisking data center moves, seasonal processing and storage.

A black stairway is depicted side on against a grey background. The first floor has a cream coloured door, second a yellow, third an orange, fourth a red. All are closed other than the third orange door which is open and has light shining from within.


The Pain Point Procurri Serves

As a global distributor, Procurri can provide you with on-demand inventory, ready to ship at a moment’s notice no matter where you are in the world.

Two male hands shaking are superimposed upon a city scape background.

Case Study

Customer Success Stories

Check out our latest customer success stories and see how we can help you create more opportunities, win more business, and add more value.